
Mystery Shopper Party Ends

One of my favorite quotes "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas A. Edison definitely applies here!  

The Mystery Shopper Party on our Facebook Page has ended.  While it was not a success in terms of shoppers and sales, it was a success in helping me find more avenues to promote the business.  It cost me nothing to put together and if nothing else, our business name is out there in a few more places. 

I think what I have learned in this attempt is how I will not do it again.  I will keep trying new ways to promote our business and in the end sales will happen.  That is the lesson learned this month.


Mystery Shopper Party Update

Not much to update, I have been advertising it on various facebook fan pages but still we have no orders.  Maybe I am a little early for the Christmas and Hanuka gift-givers to buy!  So that is my update for this week.  The facebook mystery shopper party runs through Oct 22, 2010.  Come and join us!

On the note of mystery shopper parties, I have also been the hostess over the last four days for one in one of my Yahoo Groups (WAHMShoppersClub).  It did very very well.  We had two drawings, one for a $5 gift certificate good for one year and one for one book in the Conspiracy 365 series. We had over $85 in retail sales during the party days.  This is the largest party I have hosted with the group and I am very very happy.  We had a drawing amongst those who purchased at the party and the winner receives the $15 in free Usborne Merchandise! 

If anyone is interested in hosting their own show, please contact me via this blog, at my email: lmanderson@bilisent.com or on the Bill & Lise Enterprises Facebook Page.


Mystery Shopper Party

We are trying out a Mystery Shopper Party on our facebok page.  If it works well, then we may do more of them.  It is not a new concept per se but new to us at least in this venue.  I have participated in them with other direct sales open houses, on yahoo groups, etc.  However, this is new for our facebook page.  I decided today to put it together and run it for 2 weeks.  This party will be Usborne Books and More utlizing an e-show created specifically for this party. 

At the end of the party, if there have been enough sales to reach eight-five or more dollars, then a drawing will be done to choose who will receive hostess benefits out of those who bought under the e-show.   I am being optimistic and hope we will do well with this.   Two other drawings are scheduled for a $10 and a $20 gift certificate when we reach certain total sales in the party.

I am going to try to update at least every 3rd day on how things are progressing on the party. I thought this might be a great way to energize the blog and our sales all in one!  I am challenging myself to get more blog posts out than I have been doing. 


An article that got me to thinking!

Earlier this week, I was reading one of the blog entries from the SimplyFun Home Office, http://blogs.simplyfun.com/playtimes/2010/09/19/did-you-know/.  The survey results are also in.   It sparked my interest and I decided to share it here.

In my house, the TV is on from just about the time we get up to the time we go to bed.  In fact, I am the guilty party not my daughter!  I like the noise it provides.  It's not that we (read here I) can't spend hours with the TV off, it is more that we just don't turn it off enough!     I have great intentions but do not always follow through with them. 

TV is not our only downfall.  Bill and I use laptops all day long and many, many evenings.  Jea is learning that behavior from us. The article brought home just how much we watch tv, play on the computer or I check my email on my phone. 

The article mentioned above has renewed my resolve to spend more time with my daughter without a tv or computer on.  One of the easiest things I have done the last few days is to leave my laptop in the office in the evenings till Jea goes to bed.  This gives us time to share our day, play with her playdough or put puzzles together.  While we have not always turned off the TV during this time, it is a great improvement for our time before bed.


Reflecting on the Move

We have now been in South Carolina for 5 months.  We are finally settling in and our daughter has a routine. As mentioned in a previous  post, we have had to adjust bedtime routine.

However, this post is more about adjusting to new circumstances and less time as a family.  So it's all about making the most of the time we have together.  Before making this move, Jea only went to Mother's Day Out preschool twice a week for a total of 12 hours.  Now she goes to preschool or Mother's Day Out at least 4 days a week for anywhere from 6 hours to 10 hours a day.  This has left less time with mommy and daddy overall.

Here are some of the things we have incorporated over the summer to help us acheive "quality" time with Jea.
  • Instituted family game night twice a month.   This can be as simple as sitting down to a game of Old Maid, Chums, playing Wii or other computer game, CandyLand or putting together puzzles.    
  • Take time each day and evening to read to each other. 
  • Take time to go do somthing as a family each weekend.  This can be as simple as grocery shopping and then to the park or out to Langley Pond for some fishing. 
  • Mommy and me and/or Daddy and me time for Jea.
    • Mommy and Jea have dance class and a treat afterwards.
    • Daddy and Jea have working outside on the boat or in the yard.
  • And just for us adults, once a month Date Night.
We are trying to institute more and more things to do as a family.  Feel free to comment if you have some great ideas too!